Every single day when you wake up, you have a finite amount of energy. As you go throughout your day, your energy is dissipated on different mental and physical tasks.
This is why your willpower is weakest at night. Most people binge eat at night or watch too much TV when they know they need to rest and so on. They lack the energy to maintain will power.
*Have a fixed sleep routine
The best way to boost your energy and get the most out of your day will be to get sufficient sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you’ll be well-rested and brimming with energy to start your day. Here are a few quick tips for a good night’s sleep.
*Get the right amount of sleep
We live in times where the idea of hustling and grinding and burning the midnight oil is proclaimed to be a good thing. You supposedly have a higher chance of achieving success if you sacrifice sleep for work.
In an interview with The Daily News, Donald Trump, said he only sleeps 3-4 hours a night and this gave him an edge against competition. That may be true… but most people need more than 4 hours a day to be productive.
Sleeping less and going about your day bleary-eyed and groggy is a sure-fire way to failure in the long run. You need to get your required amount of sleep.
This is how you discover how much sleep you need…
Go to bed at the same time every day for 3 days in a row and wake up without an alarm clock. Only wake when you feel refreshed and no longer sleepy. Take note of how many hours you sleep on each of the 3 days.
On the third day, add up all the hours and divide it by 3. This will give you the average… and that’s how many hours of sleep your body needs a day.
Forget about what the CEOs and other people who barely sleep say… and instead listen to your body. You’ll not only feel better, but will achieve more. It’s not the number of hours you’re awake that matters… but what you do with those hours that make all the difference.
*Have good sleep hygiene
Besides the 2 major points above, there are several other smaller factors that play a role too. Sleep in a dark room. The less light in it, the better.
Avoid using digital devices such as your mobile phones, tablets, etc. The blue light emitted by these devices will interrupt your sleep patterns.
Avoid consuming caffeine 8 hours before bedtime. The half-life of caffeine can adversely affect your sleep.

Practise yoga or stretching to ease tight muscles and release tension in your body. It’s also important to have a firm mattress so that your body is well-supported.
Do not exercise or eat too close to your bedtime. Exercise will boost your energy levels and keep you awake. Eating will mean that your body will have to spend energy digesting food while you sleep… and will not be able to rest fully.
Other than that, you may wish to consume a supplement like ashwagandha or magnesium to aid with sleep. Aromatherapy and meditation may help too.
At the end of the day, if you get the first 2 points above right, it’s just a matter of testing a few other methods to see what works for you. In most cases, once you establish a pattern, you’ll sleep like a baby and will have sufficient rest to do your best the next day.