These days, the ability to concentrate has become almost extinct… or at the very least, only seems to be possessed by the highest performing individuals in society.
But is that really true?
Not at all. The ability to concentrate is a skill. The more you practice it, the better you’ll get. No doubt it will take time, but once you build your mental stamina, you’ll be unstoppable.
Bruce Lee once said, “Concentration is the root of all the higher abilities in man.”
In other words, the more you can concentrate, the more skills you’ll unlock and achieve more with your work and in life.
Here are a few ways to improve your concentration…
1. Work in short spurts
If you’re not used to long periods of focused work, even concentrating for 10 minutes can be a formidable endeavor. Your goal now should be to concentrate for about 30 minutes at a time.
You may wish to use a Pomodoro timer or an app to help you. You’ll hear a “Beep!” when it’s focus time, and after 30 minutes, you’ll hear another beep. It’s time for you to stop and take a 5-10 minute break.
Get off the chair, stretch and have a glass of water. Your mind needs a mental break. Once you hear the beep again, it’s time to focus for another 30 minutes.
It goes without saying that the first few days will be tiring and mentally draining. But as the weeks go by, you’ll notice that you can concentrate for longer and longer periods without getting fatigued.
Ideally, you should reach a stage where you can focus for a 2-hour stretch followed by a 20-minute break. 3 such sessions will make you more productive than you even thought possible.
2. Eliminate distractions
Concentration is the ability to focus on the task at hand and ignore everything else. The best way to do this will be to eliminate the intrusive distractions that threaten to derail your train of thought.
Take a hard look at what’s distracting you. Is it social media? Phone calls? Email? Family?
Whatever is intruding in your work time needs to go. When you work, you work. By shutting out distractions, you’ll not only be able to concentrate better, but over time you’ll discover that you go into a ‘zone’ and work in a state of flow.
This is your most productive state and you’ll breeze through your work without pause and be amazed at how much easier it all seems.
The first step is in removing the distractions that get in your way.
3. First things first
Begin working on your most important tasks at the start of the day. This is when your energy levels are highest and your ability to concentrate is optimal.
Yes, concentration requires energy. It’s for this reason that you should exercise daily, eat clean and hydrate. Everything affects everything else.
The healthier you are, the more energy you’ll have and the better you’ll be able to concentrate. So, exercise, eat nutritious food, drink lots of water and focus on the important work.

4. Caffeine
Caffeine can help immensely when you notice your energy levels dipping. Drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day is fine, but pay attention to your sugar intake. Black coffee is best because it has the caffeine and other health properties without the downsides of sugar. Do note that it’s best to drink the coffee BEFORE you become tired. That’s when it’s most helpful. Don’t wait until you feel drained to perk yourself up.
5. Same spot daily
One good habit to improve concentration will be to work at the same spot every day. Do not move all around the house. Your mind loves routine and once it gets used to working in one place, it’ll be much more likely to cooperate and get into ‘working mode’ when you sit at your desk.
Speaking of routine, it’s good to have structure when it comes to work. A to-do list that you planned the night before will help you stay focused and aid in concentration. Follow the same work routine daily until it becomes second nature to you… and your ability to have laser-like focus on the job at hand will improve remarkably.
These 5 concentration pointers can be applied easily into your work routine. Give yourself a month or two before you truly see the results of increased concentration.
Once you notice how much more you can get done in a shorter time, you’ll realize that focus, concentration, discipline and routine will actually give you much more freedom than you ever thought possible.
This is one of life’s many paradoxes… but it’s your ultimate tool to succeed in life. Get started today.