Prioritize Your Tasks

One of the keys to being productive and successful in your business and in life is the ability to prioritize your tasks. The unfortunate truth is that we’ll never have enough time to do everything that we want and need to do.

Being able to sort the wheat from the chaff and only focus on the tasks that matter will help you achieve the most progress and satisfaction in the shortest possible time.

So how does one prioritize their tasks?

  • Write it all down

This is the best way to get everything that’s at the ‘back of your head’ out into the open for you to sort. Write down all your tasks regardless of how menial you think they are.

It doesn’t matter whether the task is work-related or it’s a household chore. Write them all down.

  • Sorting the tasks

The next obvious step will be to sort out these tasks. When engaged in the sorting process, it’s important to ask yourself if these tasks/activities are in alignment with your goals and objectives.

For example, if your goal is to build a profitable blog, creating value-driven content will be a high priority task that’s in alignment with your goal.

Mowing your lawn may also be on your task list, but it’s not a high priority task. In a situation like this, it’s best to delegate the job to someone else even if you have to pay a few dollars for it. Your time is valuable.

If you don’t wish to hire the job out, then at least do it AFTER you’ve completed the important work first.

  • The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a simple, yet focused plan that guides you on how to prioritize your tasks. Let’s look at the process in a simplified way…

If a task is ‘Urgent and Important’ – you’ll do it IMMEDIATELY.

When a task is “Urgent but Not Important’ – you’ll do it next, after you’ve completed the immediate work.

For tasks that are ‘Not Urgent but Important’ – you’ll either delegate the job to someone, or complete it after you’ve finished the task in the first two categories above. Ideally, it’s best to delegate the job.

If a task is ‘Not Urgent and Not Important’ – you’ll not do it or keep it till the very end when you have a little bit of time to spare. In fact, eliminating these pointless tasks is in your best interest if you wish to save time and energy.

  • Begin

In order to win, you need to begin. Once you’ve prioritized your tasks, you MUST start working on them. Aim to quickly complete some of the important tasks so that you have a few quick wins under your belt.

Like Picasso said, “Action is the foundational key to all success.” Very often, people know what they need to do.

However, if the task seems unpleasant and out of their comfort zone, they procrastinate or they engage in other tasks that are easier but of a lower priority.

This approach will negate your efforts at prioritization. You must get the important tasks done first. You’ll have to step out of your comfort zone and get started.

You’ll discover that once you get the ball rolling, you’ll gain momentum and complete the tasks. Overcoming inertia and the mental hurdle is always the toughest task.

Do use the pointers in this article to prioritize the tasks in your life and you’ll find that you’re more productive and your efforts yield better results.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” – Stephen Covey